In Memory of




Condolence From: Marvin M. Willis
Condolence: I'll never forget one church service years ago sensing the presence of God come down and comfort my Grandpa. My eyes were closed, but God's presence was more real than if a person standing beside me and I could see them. God's presence came down from above and to the left. It was like a tunnel of love. It was amazing. When I opened my eyes, Grandpa was weeping because the Comforter was loving him and filling his heart with Love. you too can have the Comforter in your life. Please read John 14 and John 15. In a nutshell, the New Covenant (Testament) Fellowship is explained by Jesus Christ in John 14:15-27 Jesus Christ is the mediator of the New Covenant Fellowship The Holy Spirit is our minister in this New Covenant Fellowship Walk With God (2 Cor 3:7-9) Read John 3:16-21 and understand what the definition of an unbeliever is according to Jesus Christ. Come out from condemnation. Hear the Words of Jesus Christ. Yes, you do not have the power to keep God's Word and walk in His righteousness. But that's why Jesus Christ died on the Cross. You can be empowered by the Holy Spirit. Make Jesus Christ your King, commit your life to Him, He will give you the Comforter. Never give up no matter what. Why do we fail? Because we need our understanding renewed and we need to receive light from God, not man and not by men's teachings. If we do not walk in Power, it is because our thinking and understanding of how to truly know God and walk with Him is skewed. Read the passages I've shared with you and read them often. Ask Jesus Christ to reveal Himself to you. Follow Him. According to Jesus Christ who never lied or deceived anyone: "He that doeth Truth (Keeps His Words, Sayings, Teachings) comes to the light (understanding through Fellowship) as He is in the light and his deeds (works, actions, fruits empowered by the Holy Spirit) are made manifest (To God and man) that they are wrought in God (through Fellowship Jn 14:15-27). You see, we will be judged according to our works/actions/deeds which are a reflection of whether or not we walk with or without God. There is no more excuse for sin in our lives. Jesus Christ shed His Blood for the New Testament/Covenant and the remission of our sins which allows us to enter into close relationship with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Please read Romans 8"3 For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh (our fallen state makes it impossible to live for God in our own strength), God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the (our) flesh: 4 That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us (see?) , who walk not after the flesh (out of fellowship), but after the Spirit (in fellowship Jn 14:15-27, 2 Cor 3:7-9). 5 For they that are after the flesh (out of fellowship) do mind the things of the flesh (our works directly reflect our reality of being in or out of fellowship with God); but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit (again, our works, fruits, deeds, actions, obedience to Christ etc must reflect our walk with God). I know Grandpa was a praying man. I know he wanted to see a revival in his family. He never did. I'm sure he prayed for it many times. God is faithful. God is able. In the name of Jesus Christ, the mediator of the New Covenant Fellowship, I ask you, heavenly Father, let the revival begin right here and right now in me. Let it begin in whoever reads this post. Let it be known the Jesus Christ has risen from the dead and He is alive forever more and He will soon return. Let our prayer today be: Live in me Jesus!
Thursday July 27, 2017
Condolence From: Kathy & Mike Biffle
Condolence: We have attended New Beginnings Church with Bro. Sloan for the last 4 years. He is a true son of God and he will be greatly missed by all. Thoughts and prayers to his family. Mike and Kathy Biffle
Saturday October 29, 2011