In Memory of





Condolence From: Greg and Lori Fallon, Sydney & Mallory
Condolence: We heard of Jennifer's death today. We are so very sorry. We sat near Clarence & Jennifer at First United Methodist Church in Monticello, Arkansas. We remember the first Sunday they showed up with their precious son Kobe! The joy and love in their eyes was contagious! Our thoughts and prayers are with Clarence and Kobe now. May God bless you always and you feel Jennifer's presence as you continue your life journey. Shalom.
Thursday September 04, 2014
Condolence From: thela short
Condolence: Kobe, God loves you and we have good memories of your mom. Sincerely, Mrs. Short
Thursday May 23, 2013
Condolence From: Melissa Jones-Hall
Condolence: Hi there Clarence and Kobe, I'm thinking and praying for your broken hearts...Jennifer was a wonderful loving and sweet. I found it a privledge to be your family photographer. I knew from the minute she called to book your sessions that she would treasure the portraits we'd make together....She treasured you both very much...Kobe, she adored you...You were her little Angel! And Clarence...her best partner! All that knew her are better because we did and she'll NEVER be forgotten! BIG BIG HUGS....wish I could give you a be squeeze! In my prayers! Melissa Jones-Hall
Monday June 04, 2012
Condolence From: Barbara Wiley
Condolence: Judy & Family, I'm very sorry for your loss. The time we worked together at St. Mary's Hospital I found Jennifer to be a very special person. Sincerely, Barbara & Bill Wiley
Thursday May 31, 2012
Condolence From: Pat Norris
Condolence: I am so sorry for your loss. May God bless you.
Thursday May 31, 2012
Condolence From: Pam and Paul Nordin
Condolence: Jerry, Judy, Lesley, Brent, Clarence and Kobe: I am so sorry for your loss of such a wonderful and lovely daughter, sister and wife and mother. My heart breaks for you all, and my thoughts and prayers go out to each one of you. May you find peace and comfort in Christ. Jennifer was a very beautiful person, inside and out. She will be missed by all. We love you.
Wednesday May 30, 2012
Condolence From: Ashley Graves
Condolence: Judy, Jerry and family.... I am so sorry to hear about Jennifer. I can't remember a time I didn't know her and can never remember a time I did not call her a friend. My prayers are with you all. With love, Ashley
Wednesday May 30, 2012
Condolence From: Twyla Reynolds Bench
Condolence: Dear Judy and Jerry. I am so sorry to hear about your daughter. You and the family are in my prayers
Wednesday May 30, 2012
Condolence From: Brian Vossen
Condolence: Coach Holley and Kobe, Football programs always talk about character and winning the right way, but you were the first to actually take the time to teach it. A lesson you taught me I will never forget was, "There aint but one good woman in the world and thats your mama. So treat the rest like you want her to be treated." You always spoke so highly of Jennifer to the team and never worried about what a group of college guys would think. kobe, I have never met you, but my heart breaks for you and the loss of your mother. You have a father that I am sure will make sure you remember how special she was and how important it is to treat all future women like she was treated. God bless you guys. Brian Vossen and Family
Wednesday May 30, 2012
Condolence From: Anji Skipton
Condolence: Clarence, Kobe and Family, I was so incredibly saddened to hear of Jennifer's passing. She was a wonderful woman and truly an angel on earth. I've no doubt that she has found her place in Heaven. I will keep your entire family in my prayers now and always.
Wednesday May 30, 2012
Condolence From: Brent and Amy Tyson
Condolence: Clarence and Kobe, We are so saddened by Jennifer's passing from this world. We can't begin to understand your pain. We are praying for comfort and great memories to help you through this time. She will be missed! The Tyson's
Wednesday May 30, 2012
Condolence From: Greg McGuire
Condolence: Lester, so sorry to hear about the loss of your sister. Praying for comfort for you and your family during this painful time.
Wednesday May 30, 2012
Condolence From: Rebecca Patton Davis
Condolence: So sadden to hear about the passing of your sister Jennifer . My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this time.
Tuesday May 29, 2012
Condolence From: Darrell Nightingale, Trinity Christian Academy Principal
Condolence: Jennifer was a very special teacher and trusted friend. Trinity Christian Academy was blessed to have her as part of our TCA Family! Her smile and pleasant personality was exhibited each day as she reached out to others. Her students loved and respected her! She has and will be truly missed! We will be praying for her family.
Tuesday May 29, 2012
Condolence From: Eileen Hilliard
Condolence: We are praying for you and sad we can't be there tomorrow! We love you guys and are grieving your loss. Jennifer's life on earth was such a blessing to our family and to all who knew her; we're so thankful for the hope we have in Christ!
Tuesday May 29, 2012
Condolence From: RaDonna Priddy
Condolence: Clarence: I am so sorry for your loss. I will keep you, Kobe and the rest of your family in my thoughts and prayers! RaDonna
Tuesday May 29, 2012
Condolence From: Peggy Hays Lawrence
Condolence: My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Tuesday May 29, 2012
Condolence From: Shea Family
Condolence: Coach, I pray Jennifer's strength follows you and Kobe forever. Andrew, Bria, Wesley & Lainey are so sorry for your loss.
Tuesday May 29, 2012
Condolence From: Randy Eakin
Condolence: Jerry,Judy,Lesley.So sorry to hear about Jennifer.No words to say about a loss of a Daughter or sister.Will be praying for you.
Tuesday May 29, 2012
Condolence From: Jared Ziemke Family
Condolence: Coach Holley, We are so glad God gave us the opportunity to have met you, Jennifer, and Kobe. Although your time in MN was brief, your family touched many lives and left lifelong impressions of what is good and important in life. Our deepest sympathy's to you and Kobe on this day. Your steadfast faith and convictions will overcome all "BE NOT AFRAID". With Heavy Hearts, Jared, Suzie, Mckenna, Marley, Jackson, and Jett Ziemke
Tuesday May 29, 2012
Condolence From: Kenny Kinder
Condolence: My thoughts & prayers are with you on this day.
Tuesday May 29, 2012
Condolence From: Becky DuVall Brooks
Condolence: Dear Jerry, Judy & Family, I was so sorry to hear of Jennifer's passing. She was always such a sweet girl. My thoughts & prayers are with you at this time. Becky DuVall Brooks
Tuesday May 29, 2012
Condolence From: Susan Haney Atkins
Condolence: Dear Jerry, Judy and Family, So sad to hear that Jennifer has passed away. You all are in my thoughts and prayers.
Tuesday May 29, 2012
Condolence From: Sandra Cole
Condolence: Clarence and Kobe my thoughts and prayers are with you. Jennifer was such a sweetheart and such a brave person who will be greatly missed but will always have her in our heart. Sorry for your loss.
Tuesday May 29, 2012
Condolence From: Melissa Dudgeon
Condolence: Clarence, Kobe and family, I am so sorry for your loss. I was the B-squad coach with Coach Holley at LCWM. One of her former players had just heard the sad news and sent me a message. I have thought of Jennifer many times since your family's time in MN. She was such a caring, kind and genuine person. My heart is heavy as I write this. Please know that my thoughts and prayers for comfort, strength and peace are with you. God Bless
Tuesday May 29, 2012
Condolence From: Regina Pearce-james
Condolence: Jerry,Judy and Leslie. I know from experience that nothing you can say will ease your pain. I am truly sorry for your loss. Jennifer was a great friend in high school and will be terribly missed ..may God give you peace in your time of need
Tuesday May 29, 2012
Condolence From: Becki (Helton) Branum
Condolence: Jerry, Judy, and Lesley, My heart is heavy for your family....Praying for peace and comfort at this very difficult time and in the days ahead.
Monday May 28, 2012
Condolence From: Pam (Helton) Bradley
Condolence: To the family of Jennifer: My heart is broken that my dear friend and classmate is gone, I pray for everyone that God gives you the peace that surpasses all understanding.
Monday May 28, 2012
Condolence From: Joel and Kendra Hall
Condolence: Clarence, Kobe, Judy and Family, We extend our sincerest thoughts and prayers to you. There are no words we can express to make your loss any easier, but know that you are on our minds and in our hearts. Our family will pray for comfort and strength for you now and in the coming weeks. Blessings, Joel, Kendra, Andrew, Ashton, Charlie Hall
Monday May 28, 2012
Condolence From: Phyllis Roberts Hedrick
Condolence: Judy & Jerry - So sorry to hear of your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Monday May 28, 2012
Condolence From: Todd & Lea Ann Throckmorton
Condolence: Clarence & Kobe, you are in our thoughts and prayers. Jennifer was a wonderful person and friend. We will always remember her beautiful smile and her caring heart. We are thankful for the time we got to spend together. She will be greatly missed.
Monday May 28, 2012
Condolence From: Jennifer Gray
Condolence: Clarence, I know there is nothing I can say that hasn't been said so many times before. My memories of Jennifer are of a vibrant, athletic beautiful person so full of life. She always had a smile on her face. My heart and prayers are with you and your family.
Monday May 28, 2012